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Instiutional Investors Results - United States Of America

Blake Shapskinsky Dallas, Texas, United States

Position: Associate

Specialties: Private Equity Fund, Instiutional Investors

Minimum Investment: $100,000,000

Maximum Investment: $200,000,000

Assets Under Management: $4,600,000,000

Stage Preference: Expansion, MBO/LBO, Recapitalization

Blake Trippet Detroit, Michigan, United States

Position: President

Specialties: Venture Capital Fund, Instiutional Investors

Blake Webster Wilton, Connecticut, United States

Position: Managing Director

Specialties: Private Equity Fund, Instiutional Investors

Minimum Investment: $200,000,000

Maximum Investment: $2,000,000,000

Assets Under Management: $16,000,000,000

Stage Preference: Startup, Early Stage, Expansion, Later Stage, MBO/LBO

Blake Weir New York, New York, United States

Position: Associate

Specialties: Private Equity Fund, Instiutional Investors

Minimum Investment: $15,000,000

Maximum Investment: $40,000,000

Assets Under Management: $300,000,000

Stage Preference: Expansion, MBO/LBO, Acquisition, Recapitalization, Corporate Divestiture

Blake West Edmond, Oklahoma, United States

Position: Associate

Specialties: Private Equity Fund, Instiutional Investors

Minimum Investment: $5,000,000

Maximum Investment: $20,000,000

Assets Under Management: $850,000,000

Stage Preference: Expansion, MBO/LBO, Recapitalization, Corporate Divestiture

Blake Wu Houston, Texas, United States

Position: Partner

Specialties: Venture Capital Fund, Instiutional Investors

Minimum Investment: $200,000

Maximum Investment: $40,000,000

Assets Under Management: $20,000,000,000

Stage Preference: Seed, Startup, Early Stage, Expansion, Later Stage, PIPE

Blinn Cirella Bethesda, Maryland, United States

Position: CFO

Specialties: Private Equity Fund, Instiutional Investors

Minimum Investment: $10,000,000

Maximum Investment: $75,000,000

Assets Under Management: $610,000,000

Stage Preference: MBO/LBO, Acquisition, Recapitalization

Blll Jencks Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Position: Vice President of Real Estate

Specialties: Private Equity Fund, Instiutional Investors

Minimum Investment: $2,000,000

Maximum Investment: $500,000,000

Assets Under Management: N/A

Stage Preference: Turnaround, Restructuring

Blythe Jack New York, New York, United States

Position: Managing Director

Specialties: Private Equity Fund, Instiutional Investors

Minimum Investment: $200,000,000

Maximum Investment: $800,000,000

Assets Under Management: $9,000,000,000

Stage Preference: MBO/LBO, Acquisition, Corporate Divestiture

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